I Was Born With a Heart Defect That Could've Killed Me by Age 4 - Article Health

Doctors discovered that I have a heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot when I was just 4 days old, and that quickly became the center of my very young life.

Tetralogy of Fallot involves four defects of the heart, and it caused my skin to turn bluish because I didn’t have enough oxygen in my blood. As soon as doctors made this discovery, I was transported to a children’s hospital for my first of many cardiac catheterizations over the years. I wasn’t allowed to cry for my first full year because I would turn blue. It was really hard for my parents.

Three months later, I had my first open-heart surgery. I had a procedure about every five to six years to see if everything is working properly and to gauge how long it will be until I need a second major surgery. Depending on how technology and research progress, I may need one more open-heart surgery to replace my aortic valve. Currently, I have 12 pieces of metal in my heart, such as clips, coils, and stents, to keep my heart functioning properly.

Every year, along with my annual physical with my primary care doctor, I have a heart checkup that involves an EKG and an echocardiogram. Sometimes I need a stress test or a CT scan.

You can’t tell anything is wrong with my heart by looking at me. I looked like a normal, healthy kid growing up, but on the inside, I have this heart condition going on. That made growing up different for me than it was for my friends. I wasn’t allowed to play contact sports. I was bullied for being in modified gym class and not being able to keep up with some of the more athletic students. Kids never really understood what I was going through.

I used dance as an outlet. Dance has been a part of my life since I was 3 years old, and it has allowed me to be more confident, meet new friends, and give me the exercise I needed in a way my heart could handle.

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