9 Celebrities With Type 1 Diabetes - Article Health

Famous faces of type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes is the least common type of diabetes, making up about 4% of all diabetes cases in the U.S., but it is also the most serious. While type 2 diabetes can sometimes be managed with diet and exercise alone, type 1 requires daily insulin because the body does not produce its own.

Sam Talbot
Being diagnosed at age 12 with type 1 diabetes was a “hard blow,” recalled celebrity chef Sam Talbot in a 2015 blog post. His mother followed him to sports practice with a glucose meter, and he couldn’t go anywhere without a juice box.

Nick Jonas
Musician Nick Jonas is Sam Talbot’s partner in founding Beyond Type 1. Jonas discovered he had diabetes in 2005 when he was touring with the Jonas Brothers. He dropped 15 pounds in no time, couldn’t get enough water, and his emotions were up, down, and everywhere,

Sonia Sotomayor
The nation’s first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was 7 years old. The signs? She fainted in church and drank so much water she actually wet her bed, she said in a 2011 speech, as USA Today reported.

Mary Tyler Moore
Mary Tyler Moore is arguably as well known for her role in raising awareness of type 1 diabetes as she is for her groundbreaking roles in The Mary Tyler Moore Show and The Dick Van Dyke Show.

Anne Rice
At first, Anne Rice was dropping pounds at an alarming rate. Not that the author of The Vampire Chronicles was that upset; the scales had been heading too high for a while.

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