12 Surprising Causes of Depression - Article Health

Why am I depressed?
There are many well-known depression triggers: Trauma, grief, financial troubles, and unemployment are just a few.

Summer weather
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is most commonly associated with winter blues, and it afflicts about 5% of Americans.

Smoking has long been linked with depression, though it's a chicken-or-egg scenario: People who are depression-prone may be more likely to take up the habit.

Thyroid disease
When the thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck, doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone, it's known as hypothyroidism, and depression is one of its symptoms.

Poor sleep habits
It's no surprise that sleep deprivation can lead to irritability, but it could also increase the risk of depression.

Facebook overload
Spending too much time in chat rooms and on social-networking sites? A number of studies now suggest that this can be associated with depression, particularly in teens and preteens. Internet addicts may struggle with real-life human interaction and a lack of companionship, and they may have an unrealistic view of the world. Some experts even call it "Facebook depression."

End of a TV show or movie
When something important comes to an end, like a TV show, movie, or a big home renovation, it can trigger depression in some people. In 2009, some Avatar fans reported feeling depressed and even suicidal because the movie's fictional world wasn't real. There was a similar reaction to the final installments of the Harry Potter movies.

Where you live
You can endlessly debate whether city or country life is better. But research has found that people living in urban settings do have a 39% higher risk of mood disorders than those in rural regions. A 2011 study in the journal Nature offers an explanation for this trend: City dwellers have more activity in the part of the brain that regulates stress. And higher levels of stress could lead to psychotic disorders.

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