Here Are 7 Reasons to Stop Putting Off Your Flu Shot - Article Health

Have you gone for your yearly flu shot yet? We hope the answer is yes—but statistically, it's probably no. That's because only two in five people report getting the vaccine annually, according to a 2016 CDC report. This is in spite of the fact that experts say it’s one of the best health measures you can take each season and will keep you from experiencing the awfulness of flu symptoms like a high fever, chills, and bad cough.

Maybe you're postponing it because you feel too overwhelmed right now with work. Or you're blowing it off completely because you're one of those people who insist they never get the flu anyway. Whatever your thinking is, give this list of reasons to get the vaccine a read—it might help you see the wisdom in rolling up your sleeve

You'll cut your flu risk roughly in half
True, the vaccine doesn't eliminate the possibility of contracting the flu, and how effective the flu shot is varies from season to season, says Laraine Washer, MD, hospital epidemiologist at University of Michigan Medical Center. But the vaccine used during the 2015-2016 flu season slashed the risk of getting it by roughly 50%, according to one study.

You won't develop more serious flu-related issues
While fever, muscle aches, fatigue, and a cough are the main symptoms of the flu, “some patients have headaches or a sore throat, and vomiting or diarrhea can occur more often in children,” says Dr. Washer. The real danger, however, is that a bout with the flu could lead to a much more alarming illness.

Friends and family members will thank you
The vaccine isn't just about keeping you healthy. It also protects the people you know and love—as well as coworkers, neighbors, and strangers you might casually interact with. “Those most at risk include children, pregnant women or women who will be pregnant during flu season, anyone who has a compromised immune system, and people with asthma, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease,” says Dr. Kearns. “In general, adults older than age 50 are considered higher risk, as well.”

Your won't put your life in danger
Lots of people still think of influenza as extremely unpleasant but relatively harmless. However, the CDC estimates between 140,000 and 710,000 hospitalizations occur as the result of the virus on an annual basis. “In addition, from 12,000 to 56,000 deaths are associated with flu every year,” says Dr. Washer. Fatalities are generally caused by “pneumonia, dehydration, or worsening of other health problems,” she explains.

You'll save money
While your health is the most important factor, getting sick hits you in the pocketbook too. First, there's the copay you need to fork over to see your doctor; next comes the money you'll drop at the drugstore to treat your fever, aches, and cough with over the counter products that can ease your flu symptoms.

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